Invincible Ink

Invincible Ink

Canadian Poetry; Wet Ink Books; Canada; Canadian Literature; publishing;; Devour; Devour: Art & Lit Canada; Find all of our mags; “Devour” and “The Ambassador” –


Don Gutteridge


Author: Don Gutteridge

Title: Invincible Ink

ISBN: 978-1-989786-24-6 = 9781989786246 – Softcover

Trade Paperback: 128 pages – 6 X 9 

Suggested Retail (Paperback): $19.95

Genre: Poetry, Canadian

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Canadian Poetry; Hidden Brook Press; Canada; Canadian Literature; publishing;; Devour; Devour: Art & Lit Canada; Find all of our mags; “Devour” and “The Ambassador” –


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We are voyeurs, peeking into the soul. In Don Gutteridge’s collection of poems, Invincible Ink, he allows readers a glimpse of the love, the contentment, the anguish, the joy, the grief that has resided within him. Each poem occupies its own page. While short in word count, every poem goes to great lengths to allow readers to connect to the author’s deepest feelings. Only 48 pages in length, this book of poetry manages to reveal a lifetime of emotions. Gutteridge’s poems touch on topics as diverse as gardening, grief, rugby, Sunday School, romance, nature, even The Muppets. Yet there is a common thread of melancholy that runs through the entire poetry collection, and that thread tugs mightily on the reader’s heart.
         Poetry is a deeply personal expression of what lies beneath the writer’s world. Don Gutteridge graciously allows us access to his innermost thoughts in his poetry collection, Invincible Ink. His opening poem, Litmus, explains beautifully why Gutteridge writes. While these poems reflect the author’s own experiences, the emotions that his words call forth have staying power for the reader. We may latch on to a turn of phrase that makes us recall a lover, a child, a friend, or a favorite setting. And this connection lasts even when Invincible Ink has shared its last poem. Gutteridge writes in his poem Such Days, “…and my thoughts drift towards mortality and the brevity of our being…” Readers may indeed find that their thoughts, too, will follow suit.

Donna Parrey

for Readers’ Favorite


If you admire the work of Dylan Thomas such as “Do not go gentle in that good night”, and Tomas Hardy’s “The Darkling Thrush” you will like these poems by Don Gutteridge. Poetry lovers, may I introduce a contemporary poet who can equal them all, but whose work has the advantage of being more succinct than Grey’s – Don Gutteridge. His magical way with words held me entranced; everything he offers in Invincible Ink is uniquely expressed, from the poems about The Widow Bray, where her personal grief is entwined with the passing of the seasons to the tragedy of a child’s death.
         Don Gutteridge writes much of death, but not exclusively so. I found A Love Poem and Into An April Morning irresistible; A Love Poem is especially sensual, and it concludes, correctly, with “I feel no need to say I love you”. Succinct equals short, which means a huge number of poems in one volume, and I should be able to say you can dip in and out. I found that impossible. When I reached the last poem and read the line “I’d trade a hundred dawns to have you here again in my heart”, I turned straight back to the beginning and read them all again. Invincible Ink by Don Gutteridge is one of the best poetry books, and definitely the most distinctive, I have ever had the honor to review.

Sarah Stuart,

Award winning author of 7 novels


While these poems could at first seem shallow and pedantic I would encourage you to keep going on them. They have a certain John Donne and Robert Frost quality. I think the John Donne comes from a sense of a coming of age / loss of innocence quality they have. I am sure that when Robert Frost was read it seemed perhaps a bit childish, but once you wade through that there is some real deepness here.
        I am not sure if this is because I am from North Carolina or my Scots-Irish roots, but there is something that speaks on a personal level in these poems. They take me back to my childhood, the goods and the bads, a recanting of what makes me me personally. I seem personally connected to these as they conjure up so many aspects of my past and personality. I can remember being on the outer banks or deep in the mountains or on the reservation in Cherokee. These are truly a magical concoction of works. There is something truly spellbinding about them. If you know the term to “cast a spell” comes from the act of actually spelling a word or a grimorium (the spell book) is just a fancy way to say grammar, then once you read these you can tell there is true magic in them. I do not mean surface “magic” such as sleight of hand but something soul speaking. Please read Invincible Ink, by Don Gutteridge and just let the words and meanings seep into your soul.


for Dog-Eared Reviews

Canadian Poetry; Wet Ink Books; Canada; Canadian Literature; publishing;; Devour; Devour: Art & Lit Canada; Find all of our mags; “Devour” and “The Ambassador” –